課程代碼 1GM00E01
課程中文名稱 產業經濟學專題研討
課程英文名稱 Seminar in Industrial Economics
學分數 3.0
必選修 選修
開課班級 博研經管一甲
任課教師 朱美琴
週四 第2節 (E0603)
週四 第3節 (E0603)
週四 第4節 (E0603)
課程時數 3
實習時數 0
授課語言 1.英語 ◎全程外語教學
課程概述 Industrial Economics is the study of firms, industries and markets. Thus, the aim of this course is to provide students with an understanding of theoretical models of firm behaviour and of empirical approaches to testing such models. The first part concentrates on understanding firm’s behaviours in different market structures. We will also introduce key concepts in game theory and then apply them to some specific industrial economics models. The second part of the course focuses on empirical analysis in industrial economics. We will look at studies of structure and firm/industry performance, dealing with relevant measurement and econometric issues.
1 To understand different market structures under which firms operate, with particular emphasis on concentration and monopoly power and oligopoly. To understand different market structures under which firms operate, with particular emphasis on concentration and monopoly power and oligopoly.
2 To analyze how market structures impact the behavior of firms. To analyze how market structures impact the behavior of firms.
3 To apply game theory to understand the strategic behavior of firms in the market. To apply game theory to understand the strategic behavior of firms in the market.
4 To use the theoretical insights presented in this course to explain observed features of particular markets and industries. To use the theoretical insights presented in this course to explain observed features of particular markets and industries.
5 To analyze the role of governmental regulations in industries and the subsequent implications of public regulation. To analyze the role of governmental regulations in industries and the subsequent implications of public regulation.
就業力培養目標 此門課程無設定權重值
中文課程大綱 1. Introduction of industrial economics.
2. A game theory
3. Quantity and Price Setting Models
4. Product Differentiation Models
5. Empirical Analysis I: theoretical basis
6. Empirical Analysis II: SCP
7. Summing up: the role of theory and evidence
英/日文課程大綱 1. Introduction of industrial economics.
2. A game theory
3. Quantity and Price Setting Models
4. Product Differentiation Models
5. Empirical Analysis I: theoretical basis
6. Empirical Analysis II: SCP
7. Summing up: the role of theory and evidence
課程進度表 I. WHAT IS INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION? References: W&J, Chapters 1 and 2; C&W, CH 1
Review your intermediate microeconomics or managerial economics text concerning competitive, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly markets.

II. Taiwan Industrial Development and Industrial Policy, Machinery Industry , Fastener Industry, IC industry, etc.

III.Approaches to Market power References: WJ (Ch. 6); Besanko et al. CH8; C&W CH 12
o SCP approach
o Structural approach
o Empirical examples

IV. Pricing strategies with Market Power C&W, CH4 & 5

V. Homogeneous-Product Oligopoly C&W, CH7-8
(1) Single-Period Oligopoly Models
a. Cournot Model
b. Bertrand Model
(2) Sequential Moves – Stackelberg Leader

VI. Market Power
(1) Collusion and Dynamic games References: WJ (Ch. 9 and 10); C&W CH 10
o Factors affecting collusion
o Collusion Imperfect information and imperfect monitoring
o Antitrust laws
(2) Differentiated products References: WJ (Ch. 13) ; C&W CH 11
o Horizontal differentiation
o Vertical differentiation
o Approaches to estimation
o Examples of market power estimation
(3) Mergers References: WJ (Ch. 4, 4.3)
o Market definition and the price effect of mergers

VII. Entry (References: WJ Ch. 11 and 12; C&W CH 13-14)
o Definition of entry
o Entry deterrence
o Limit pricing
o Predatory pricing
o Excess capacity

期中考(第9週)考試方式 期中報告
期末考(第18週)考試方式 期末報告
To understand different market structures under which firms operate, with particular emphasis on concentration and monopoly power and oligopoly.
To analyze how market structures impact the behavior of firms.
To apply game theory to understand the strategic behavior of firms in the market.
To use the theoretical insights presented in this course to explain observed features of particular markets and industries.
To analyze the role of governmental regulations in industries and the subsequent implications of public regulation.
書名 Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach
作者 Jeffrey Church and Roger Ware (C & W)
書局 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc
年份 2000
國際標準書號(ISBN) ISBN 0-256-20571-X
參考書籍 C&W, the Text is available at: http://works.bepress.com/jeffrey_church/23

Waldman and Jensen, Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice, 2nd edition (2001)
Oz Shy, Industrial Organization: theory and applications, MIT Press, 5th edition
教學軟體 no
課程規範 Keeping Current About Industrial Organization: e-mail me at least once a week with a synopsis of the article you found most interesting during the past week in either the WSJ or other daily or weekly news publication. Each e-mail must list the date and page number(s) of the article, as well as a brief description of the article and an analysis of how this fits into the course.
Asking Questions