課程代碼 C0D46101
課程中文名稱 中高級英語口語訓練(A)
課程英文名稱 High-Intermediate English Oral Training
學分數 2.0
必選修 管制必修
開課班級 二技英語四甲,四技英語三甲,四技英語三乙
任課教師 石耀西
週二 第1節 (N406)
週二 第2節 (N406)
課程時數 2
實習時數 0
授課語言 1.英語 ◎全程外語教學
輔導考證 1.GEPT全民英檢
課程概述 This is the core course in improving and practicing English speaking skills, which develops over six semesters from Year 1 to Year 3.
Students will be able to increase their ability to speak, listen and communicate effectively in English.
1 To be able to listen to and understand spoken English To be able to listen to and understand spoken English 2 英文聽讀能力
2 To be able to speak English effectively To be able to speak English effectively 1 英文表達能力
3 To be able to identify and use language for a wide range of contexts To be able to identify and use language for a wide range of contexts 1 英文表達能力
4 To be able to identify and use language for familiar and unfamiliar topics To be able to identify and use language for familiar and unfamiliar topics 1 英文表達能力
5 To be able to generate ideas and express them in English To be able to generate ideas and express them in English 1 英文表達能力
6 To be able to demonstrate language skills in presentations, debates, and role plays To be able to demonstrate language skills in presentations, debates, and role plays 1 英文表達能力
  校指標 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  專業知識 實務技能 資訊能力 整合創新 外語能力 熱誠抗壓 表達溝通 敬業合群 人文素養 服務關懷
  100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
  系指標 1 2 3 4 5 9 6 7 8 10 12 11
  英文表達能力 英文聽讀能力 專業英文 就業實務 資訊能力 整合創新 第二外語 熱誠抗壓 人際溝通 敬業合群 人文素養 服務學習
  70% 30% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
中文課程大綱 Students will develop speaking ability in English, using English listening and speaking activities in class. Students will identify and use language for everyday contexts, and will identify and apply language for topics of immediate interest to students. Students will also identify and use language for a wide range of topics, both familiar and unfamiliar. Students will be expected to use English in all class activities and in preparing reports, presentations, and role plays for use in class. Students will prepare and present longer presentations, role plays, and debates, and be able to express ideas clearly in English speaking contexts.
英/日文課程大綱 Students will develop speaking ability in English, using English listening and speaking activities in class. Students will identify and use language for everyday contexts, and will identify and apply language for topics of immediate interest to students. Students will also identify and use language for a wide range of topics, both familiar and unfamiliar. Students will be expected to use English in all class activities and in preparing reports, presentations, and role plays for use in class. Students will prepare and present longer presentations, role plays, and debates, and be able to express ideas clearly in English speaking contexts.
課程進度表 1. 9/11 Course introduction and orientation
2. 9/18 orientation: confronting reality and avoiding panic
3. 9/25 brainstorming the questions and issues
4. 10/2 brainstorming the questions and issues
5. 10/9 summarizing and structuring the questions and issues
6. 10/16 summarizing and structuring the questions and issues
7. 10/23 drawing the outline
8. 10/30 drawing the outline
9. 11/6 Midterm exam
10. 11/13 creating a confident aura
11. 11/20 creating a confident aura
12. 11/27 delivering an effective speech
13. 12/4 delivering an effective speech
14. 12/11 ending on a high note
15. 12/18 ending on a high note
16. 12/25 letting thoughts and words flow
17. 1/1 New Year Holiday
18. 1/8 Final exam
To be able to listen to and understand spoken English
To be able to speak English effectively
To be able to identify and use language for a wide range of contexts
To be able to identify and use language for familiar and unfamiliar topics
To be able to generate ideas and express them in English
To be able to demonstrate language skills in presentations, debates, and role plays
教學軟體 1. Cambridge Dictionaries Online (http://dictionary.cambridge.org) 2. Longman (http://www.ldoceonline.com) 3. Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus (http://www.macmillandictionary.com) 4. Merriam-Webster (http://www.merriam-webster.com) 5. Oxford Dictionaries (http://www.oxforddictionaries.com) 6. BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish)
課程規範 Grades will be based on the following two criteria: in-class exercises and oral presentations (70%), and class attendance and participation (30%).