課程代碼 C0Q08D01
課程中文名稱 英語教學理論與實務
課程英文名稱 Theories and Practice of English Language Pedagogy
學分數 3.0
必選修 選修
開課班級 碩專應英一甲
任課教師 沈添鉦
週六 第5節 (N309)
週六 第6節 (N309)
週六 第7節 (N309)
課程時數 3
實習時數 0
授課語言 1.英語 2.華語
課程概述 The purpose of this course is to provide students an accessible introduction to theories in English language development, gain extended knowledge of a topic of his or her choice, and actually demonstrate a teaching pedagogy of language teaching. The students will also become better able to analyze and evaluate the appropriateness of specific second language instructional practices based on principals of second language acquisition theory and research.
This course is meant to:
1.Have students get familiar with theories of second language teaching and
2.Provide students a basic concept of commonly used pedagogies in language teaching
and learning; and
3.Offer students a chance to actually conduct a summary of a line of theoretical
issues, for helping the lit review of their future theses.
1 熟悉英語教學理論 Familiarize the fundamental theories in TESOL
2 了解英語教學法的基本原則 Understand the basic principles of various teaching methods
3 了解口說與寫作教學方法 Understand methods for teaching speaking and reading
4 了解聽力與閱讀教學方法 Understand methods for teaching listening and writing
5 執行示範教學 Teaching demonstration
6 了解現今台灣的英語教學法及議題 Understand current English teaching practices and issues in Taiwan
就業力培養目標 此門課程無設定權重值
中文課程大綱 none
英/日文課程大綱 • the main features of the following theories of learning as they relate to L2 learning: behaviourist; creative construction and UG theories; cognitive learning theory; sociocultural theory;
• the ways in which the role of the first language, input, output, and formal instruction have been viewed from different theoretical standpoints;
• the ways in which the theories mentioned above have influenced general approaches to L2 teaching and learning, including grammar-translation, direct methods, and communicative approaches;
• the different approaches to motivation which have influenced L2 learning theory, with particular emphasis on the socio-educational and cognitive models;
• the way in which the concept of L2 learning aptitude has developed since the 1950's, and evaluate its importance for L2 learning and teaching;
• the key L2 learning strategies which have been identified by researchers, and evaluate their validity and importance for L2 learning and teaching;
• relate theoretical views of the L2 learning process and the learner's contribution to their own experience of L2 learning, and of a shared learning experience during the course.
• arguments concerning the role of native-speaker models of English in relation to English as an international language.
課程進度表 Week /Date Topics/Activities Readings Notes

W01: 9/17 *Intro to the course
*challenges facing ELT professionals *Ortega: Language learning and teaching:_Overview
*Carless: Innovations in language teaching and learning

W02: 9/24 *Trends and issues in TESOL research and instruction
*Butler: Teaching English as a Foreign language in K-12
*Loewen: Instructed second language acquisition

W03: 10/1 *ELT teaching methods and their underlying theoretical assumptions *Hilgendorf: History of language teaching methods
*Zyzik: Input-based instructional approaches
*Dewaele: Affective and language teaching

W04: 10/8 *Teaching listening to English language learners *Vandergrift: Teaching listening
Short paper #1 due
W05: 10/15 *Teaching speaking to English language learners *Jong : Teaching speaking

W06: 10/22 *Teaching reading to English language learners *Day: Graded readers
*Grabe and Stoller: Teaching reading

W07: 10/29 ESP Workshop Short paper #2 due

W08: 11/5 *Teaching writing to English language learners *Liu: Teaching grammar
*Manchon: Teaching writing

W09: 11/12 Group report: Group A
*Chou 2013_A Content-Based Approach to Teaching and Testing Listening Skills Midterm

W10: 11/19 Group report: Group B *Hwang et al.: Role of Parents and Annotation Sharing in Children’s Learning Behavior and Achievement Using E-Readers
W11: 11/26 Group report: Group C *Savignon and Wang: Communicative language teaching in EFL contexts
Lesson plan for teaching demo due
W12: 12/3 Group report: Group D *Tavakoli and Howard: TESOL professionals’ views on the relationship between research and practice

W13: 12/10 Group report: Group E *Moodie and Feryok: Beyond Cognition to Commitment English Language Teaching in South Korean Primary Schools

W14: 12/17 Teaching demo and evaluation: 1-2 *Stapleton: Language teaching research, promoting a more interdisciplinary approach

W15: 12/24 Teaching demo and evaluation: 3-5 *Jacobson et al.: A seven-step instructional plan for teaching English-language learners

W16: 12/31 Teaching demo and evaluation: 6-7 *Kramsch: Teaching Foreign Languages in an Era of Globalization

W17: 1/7 Teaching demo and evaluation: 8-9 *Batstone: Language form, task-based language teaching, and the classroom context Term project report due

W18: 1/14 Teaching demo and evaluation: 10-11
參考書籍 Chapelle, C., et. al. (2013). The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics:
教學軟體 1.The Modern Language Journal (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/modl.12305/epdf) 2.System (An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics; http://www.journals.elsevier.com/system/) 3.Foreign Language Annals (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1944-9720) 4.Reading in a Foreign Language (A refereed international online journal of issues in foreign language reading and literacy; http://nflrc.hawaii.edu/rfl/October2015/
課程規範 1.Class participation and preview of assigned readings are required.

2.All assignments must be turned in through the STUST My E-learning system by the deadline.

3.Please upload your short papers, your group’s presentation slides (ppt), and your teaching demo material (term project) to the STUST Knowledge Sharing Platform (南臺知識分享平台) and the My E-Learning Platform for review and grading purposes.