課程代碼 C0Q09Q01
課程中文名稱 學術論文寫作(三)
課程英文名稱 Academic Writing III
學分數 3.0
必選修 選修
開課班級 碩專應英二甲
任課教師 石耀西
週六 第5節 (N309)
週六 第6節 (N309)
週六 第7節 (N309)
課程時數 3
實習時數 0
授課語言 1.英語
課程概述 Academic Writing is a required two-semester graduate course. It equips AE graduate students with knowledge of the features and conventions of academic writing in the fields of English language teaching. And it intends to develop participants’ writing skills for producing clear, coherent, and well-organized research papers in the APA format.
1 增進寫作技巧與學術評論 Students will further develop their writing skills for summarizing and critiquing ideas and information for academic purposes.
2 討論研究方法、數據、研究成果、結論與未來發展 They will map out strategies for reviewing literature, explaining methods, describing data, discussing results, and drawing conclusions and implications.
3 完成研究計劃 This writing course aims to assist participants in drawing up a formal research proposal.
4 熟稔專業論文格式 The course familiarizes grad students with the APA format, and helps them achieve better academic writing proficiency
就業力培養目標 此門課程無設定權重值
中文課程大綱 Week 1 (9/8) Orientation and a review of CARS model
Week 2 (9/15) Outlining thesis introduction: a presentation
Week 3 (9/22) Presenting and structuring chapter one
Week 4 (9/29) Presenting and structuring chapter one
Week 5 (10/6) Unit 6 Writing critiques
Week 6 (10/13) Unit 6 Writing critiques
Week 7 (10/20) Unit 6 Writing critiques
Week 8 (10/27) Peer review on critiques
Week 9 (11/3) Peer review on critiques
Week 10 (11/10) Outlining literature review: a presentation
Week 11 (11/17) Unit 4 Data commentary
Week 12 (11/24) Unit 4 Data commentary
Week 13 (12/1) Unit 4 Data commentary
Week 14 (12/8) Unit 7 constructing a research paper
Week 15 (12/15) Unit 7 Constructing a research paper
Week 16 (12/22) Peer review on literature review
Week 17 (12/29) Peer review on literature review
Week 18 (1/5) Conclusion

英/日文課程大綱 Week 1 (9/8) Orientation and a review of CARS model
Week 2 (9/15) Outlining thesis introduction: a presentation
Week 3 (9/22) Presenting and structuring chapter one
Week 4 (9/29) Presenting and structuring chapter one
Week 5 (10/6) Unit 6 Writing critiques
Week 6 (10/13) Unit 6 Writing critiques
Week 7 (10/20) Unit 6 Writing critiques
Week 8 (10/27) Peer review on critiques
Week 9 (11/3) Peer review on critiques
Week 10 (11/10) Outlining literature review: a presentation
Week 11 (11/17) Unit 4 Data commentary
Week 12 (11/24) Unit 4 Data commentary
Week 13 (12/1) Unit 4 Data commentary
Week 14 (12/8) Unit 7 constructing a research paper
Week 15 (12/15) Unit 7 Constructing a research paper
Week 16 (12/22) Peer review on literature review
Week 17 (12/29) Peer review on literature review
Week 18 (1/5) Conclusion
課程進度表 Week 1 (9/12) Course introduction and orientation
Week 2 (9/19) Outline presentation of chapter one
Week 3 (9/26) Make-up for 10/2
Week 4 (10/3) Moon Festival
Week 5 (10/10) National Day
Week 6 (10/17) Manuscript of chapter one
Week 7 (10/24) Peer review of chapter one
Week 8 (10/31) Outline presentation of chapter two
Week 9 (11/7) Midterm exam
Week 10 (11/14) Language focus
Week 11 (11/21) Manuscript of chapter two
Week 12 (11/28) Peer review of chapter two
Week 13 (12/5) Outline presentation of chapter three
Week 14 (12/12) School Anniversary
Week 15 (12/19) Manuscript of chapter three
Week 16 (12/26) Peer review of chapter three
Week 17 (1/2) New Year Holiday
Week 18 (1/9) Final exam
期中考(第9週)考試方式 midterm paper
期末考(第18週)考試方式 final paper
其他週考試考試週次與方式 presentations
書名 Academic Writing for Graduate Students
作者 John M. Swales and Christine B. Feak
書局 The University of Michigan
年份 2013
國際標準書號(ISBN) 9780472034758
版本 3rd
教學軟體 Chapelle, C., et al. (2012) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/book/10.1002/9781405198431/topics 2. Hypergrammer: An Online Grammar Course Offered by University of Ottawa http://www.uottawa.ca/academic/arts/writcent/hypergrammar/grammar.html 3. Laurence Anthony's Concordancer: http://www.laurenceanthony.net/antconc_index.html 4. Lynch, J. (online). Guide to Grammar and Style. at http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Writing/ 5. Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ 6. The Writing Centre of University of Toronto http://www.writing.utoronto.ca/