課程代碼 N0M01901
課程中文名稱 人力資本管理及培育
課程英文名稱 Human Capital Management and Development
學分數 3.0
必選修 選修
開課班級 碩商管國際二甲
任課教師 王姿力
週二 第2節 (S209B)
週二 第3節 (S209B)
週二 第4節 (S209B)
課程時數 3
實習時數 0
授課語言 1.英語 ◎全程外語教學
課程概述 The purpose of this course is to enhance your understanding of human capital in organizations in order to assist in your development as an effective organizational leader. It is your “people skills” that will ultimately have the most impact on your ability to have sustainable success in the workplace. This course focuses on the essential practices of human capital and how those practices impact organizational performance. This course will involve readings, lectures, cases and experiential exercises.
先修科目或預備能力 Module Module Topics
1 To understand the context in which business decisions as they relate to Human Capital Management are made, to develop levels of analysis applicable to each situation, and to recognize the building blocks of each organization To understand the context in which business decisions as they relate to Human Capital Management are made, to develop levels of analysis applicable to each situation, and to recognize the building blocks of each organization
2 To gain a conceptual understanding of the behavioral perspectives related to human capital management and to solve workplace difficulties that could otherwise cause the employer to face legal consequences To gain a conceptual understanding of the behavioral perspectives related to human capital management and to solve workplace difficulties that could otherwise cause the employer to face legal consequences
3 To concern how to manage human resources effectively in the dynamic legal, social, and economic environment currently constraining organizations. To concern how to manage human resources effectively in the dynamic legal, social, and economic environment currently constraining organizations.
4 To exam the vision, framework, tools, skills and confidence to lead development of the human side of the business or non-profit enterprise for success today and tomorrow. To exam the vision, framework, tools, skills and confidence to lead development of the human side of the business or non-profit enterprise for success today and tomorrow.
就業力培養目標 此門課程無設定權重值
中文課程大綱 1. Course Introduction
2. Introduction to Human Resource Development
3. Theory and Philosophy in Human Resource Development
4. Perspectives of Human Resource Development
5. Developing Expertise through Training and Development
6. Unleashing Expertise through Organizational Development
7. Advancing Human Resource Development
8. Future of Human Resource Development
英/日文課程大綱 1. Course Introduction
2. Introduction to Human Resource Development
3. Theory and Philosophy in Human Resource Development
4. Perspectives of Human Resource Development
5. Developing Expertise through Training and Development
6. Unleashing Expertise through Organizational Development
7. Advancing Human Resource Development
8. Future of Human Resource Development
課程進度表 Week 1: Explain Syllabus
Week 2: Ch 1-Introduction to Human Resource Management
Ch 2-Equal Opportunity and the Law
Week 3: Ch 3-Human Resource Management Strategy and Analysis
Week 4: Ch 4-Job Analysis and the Talent Management Process
Week 5: Ch 5-Personnel Planning and Recruiting
Week 6: Ch 6-Employee Testing and Selection
Week 7: Ch 7-Interviewing Candidates
Week 8: Presentation: Journal Paper
Week 9: Presentation: Journal Paper
Week 10:Ch 8-Training and Developing Employees
Week 11:Ch 9-Performance Management and Appraisal
Week 12:Ch 10-Managing Employee Retention, Engagement, and Careers
Week 13:Ch 13-Benefits and Services
Week 14:Ch 14-Ethics, Employee Relations, and Fair Treatment at Work
Ch 15-Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining
Week 15:Ch 16-Employee Safety and Health
Week 16:Ch 17-Managing Global Human Resources
Ch 18-Managing Human Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial Firms
Week 17:Group Presentation
Week 18:Group Presentation
To understand the context in which business decisions as they relate to Human Capital Management are made, to develop levels of analysis applicable to each situation, and to recognize the building blocks of each organization
To gain a conceptual understanding of the behavioral perspectives related to human capital management and to solve workplace difficulties that could otherwise cause the employer to face legal consequences
To concern how to manage human resources effectively in the dynamic legal, social, and economic environment currently constraining organizations.
To exam the vision, framework, tools, skills and confidence to lead development of the human side of the business or non-profit enterprise for success today and tomorrow.
書名 Human Resource Management
作者 Gary Dessler
年份 2015
國際標準書號(ISBN) 9781292018430
版本 15