課程代碼 C0D44902
課程中文名稱 初級進階英文寫作(B)
課程英文名稱 High Basic English Writing
學分數 2.0
必選修 管制必修
開課班級 四技英語一甲
任課教師 陳怡真
週四 第5節 (N306)
週四 第6節 (N306)
課程時數 2
實習時數 0
授課語言 1.英語 ◎全程外語教學
輔導考證 1.Applied English: Elementary Essay level Writing
課程概述 In level 2 writing courses, in order to help students gain confidence in writing academic prose, the curriculum focuses on taking students from paragraph writing through essay writing through specific exercises and ample opportunities for practice. Students first work on recognizing and identifying key writing structures from model paragraphs and essays. Then they manipulate the structures in short, manageable tasks, for example, working on developing and supporting a central thesis, organizing an outline from which to write, and writing effective introductions and conclusions. Critical thing is emphasized, so that students become aware of the impact of their choice of words, sentences and organizational techniques on the effectiveness of their writingWriting strategies are also included, for example, timed essay writing, understanding standard instructions, time-management techniques, and methods for organizing information.
1 Applying and practicing the writing strategies learned in the first year to paragraph writing Applying and practicing the writing strategies learned in the first year to paragraph writing 1 英文表達能力
2 Recognizing and identifying key writing structures from model paragraphs Recognizing and identifying key writing structures from model paragraphs 2 英文聽讀能力
3 Developing research skills and critical thinking skills Developing research skills and critical thinking skills 4 就業實務
4 Practice assignments that are to be done in class under time pressure to simulate the experience of writing examinations. Practice assignments that are to be done in class under time pressure to simulate the experience of writing examinations. 3 專業英文
  校指標 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  專業知識 實務技能 資訊能力 整合創新 外語能力 熱誠抗壓 表達溝通 敬業合群 人文素養 服務關懷
  50% 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%
  系指標 1 2 3 4 5 9 6 7 8 10 12 11
  英文表達能力 英文聽讀能力 專業英文 就業實務 資訊能力 整合創新 第二外語 熱誠抗壓 人際溝通 敬業合群 人文素養 服務學習
  30% 10% 10% 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%
中文課程大綱 This course is meant to: 1. Provide students to understand the format and structure of English paragraphs; 2. Offer students a chance to write diverse type of paragraphs, such as narratives and descriptions; and 3. Help students to generate and organize ideas, create the various paragraph types, and connect ideas into a logical paragraph. "
英/日文課程大綱 This course is meant to: 1. Provide students to understand the format and structure of English paragraphs; 2. Offer students a chance to write diverse type of paragraphs, such as narratives and descriptions; and 3. Help students to generate and organize ideas, create the various paragraph types, and connect ideas into a logical paragraph. "
課程進度表 Week 1: Understanding paragraphs
Week 2: Descriptive paragraph
Week 3: Descriptive paragraph
Week 4: Narrative paragraph
Week 5: Narrative paragraph
Week 6: Opinion paragraph
Week 7: Opinion paragraph
Week 8: Review
Week 9: Midterm exam
Week 10: Classification paragraph
Week 11: Classification paragraph
Week 12: Process paragraph
Week 13: Process paragraph
Week 14: Comparison/contrast paragraph
Week 15: Comparison/contrast paragraph
Week 16: Cause/effect paragraph
Week 17: Cause/effect paragraph
Week 18: Final exam
期中考(第9週)考試方式 筆試
期末考(第18週)考試方式 筆試
其他週考試考試週次與方式 寫作作業
Applying and practicing the writing strategies learned in the first year to paragraph writing
Recognizing and identifying key writing structures from model paragraphs
Developing research skills and critical thinking skills
Practice assignments that are to be done in class under time pressure to simulate the experience of writing examinations.
書名 英文段落寫作範例
作者 陳怡真 & 王鶴巘
書局 五南
年份 2014
國際標準書號(ISBN) 978-957-11-7574-4
版本 初版