課程代碼 N0M01701
課程中文名稱 公司治理與企業倫理
課程英文名稱 Corporate Governance & Business Ethics
學分數 3.0
必選修 必修
開課班級 碩全球經管二甲
任課教師 周德光
週三 第2節 (E0604)
週三 第3節 (E0604)
週三 第4節 (E0604)
課程時數 3
實習時數 0
授課語言 1.英語 ◎全程外語教學
課程概述 Corporate governance and business ethics have become important issues in modern business society. This course will broadly discuss the processes, customs, policies, legal arrangements, institutions, and mechanisms affecting the way a corporation is directed and controlled. The three most significant players in the corporate process: shareholders, employees (especially the senior managers) and board directors will be the focuses of discussion. On each of the three focuses, major corporate governance issues, analysis and solutions will be addressed and followed by a case study.
1 Have a broad view regarding the major issues of corporate governance and business ethics; Have a broad view regarding the major issues of corporate governance and business ethics;
2 Understand the role, the interests, the authority and the limitation or constrains of, and the complex inter-relationship among, the major players in the corporate process; Understand the role, the interests, the authority and the limitation or constrains of, and the complex inter-relationship among, the major players in the corporate process;
3 Analyze and evaluate the mutual influence among business policy, information disclosure, and dynamics of capital markets Analyze and evaluate the mutual influence among business policy, information disclosure, and dynamics of capital markets
4 Understand the future trend of corporate governance and business ethics. Understand the future trend of corporate governance and business ethics.
就業力培養目標 此門課程無設定權重值
中文課程大綱 Corporate governance and business ethics have become important issues in modern business society. This course will broadly discuss the processes, customs, policies, legal arrangements, institutions, and mechanisms affecting the way a corporation is directed and controlled. The three most significant players in the corporate process: shareholders, employees (especially the senior managers) and board directors will be the focuses of discussion. On each of the three focuses, major corporate governance issues, analysis and solutions will be addressed and followed by a case study.
英/日文課程大綱 1 : Introduction: Opening case discussion
2 : Separation of Ownership and Control: Major governance and ethics issues
3 : Internal Governance Management : CEO & high-rank managers
4 : Executive compensation
5 : Case Study (I): Gerstner’s Pay Package at IBM
6 : Internal Governance: Boards of Directors: Board Composition and Operations
7 : Board-Management Relationship
8 : Board Structure, Ownership and Control
9 : Case Study (II): Sears, Roebuck & Co.
10 : External Governance: Proxy Contests and Markets
11 : CPA firms & auditors
12 : Case Study (III): Arthur Anderson
13 : Stakeholders and Shareholders
14 : Block holders and Institutional Shareholders
15 : The governance of Family firms
16 : Comprehensive Case Study:Governess Problem, Analysis, and Solutions
17 : Conclusion Remark
18 : Final Exam
Have a broad view regarding the major issues of corporate governance and business ethics; -- --
Understand the role, the interests, the authority and the limitation or constrains of, and the complex inter-relationship among, the major players in the corporate process; -- --
Analyze and evaluate the mutual influence among business policy, information disclosure, and dynamics of capital markets -- --
Understand the future trend of corporate governance and business ethics. -- --