Application System for International Student

Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology


STUST handles foreign student recruitment affairs, except for publicity, promotion and assistance for students to apply the necessary procedures related to Taiwan entry visa, health check, travel and transportation; STUST proclaims that foreign students has not been commissioned by external institutions, legal persons, groups or natural persons.


114 學年度南臺科技大學外國學生申請入學及轉學招生簡章PDF
STUST 2025 Academic Year Application and Transfer Guide for International Students
申請時間表 Application Timetable 2025
秋季班 Fall semester
工作項目 日期
公告簡章 2025年 1月10日
線上報名 第1批2025年 1月15日~3月31日 第2批2025年 4月01日~5月15日
審查 第1批2025年 4月01日~4月11日 第2批2025年 5月16日~6月05日
申請結果 第1批2025年 4月18日前 第2批2025年 6月10日前
錄取生回覆是否就讀截止日 第1批2025年 4月19日~4月25日 第2批2025年 6月10日~6月17日
寄發錄取通知書 第1批2025年 5月05日前 第2批2025年 6月27日前
學期開始 2025年 9月中旬

春季班 Spring semester
工作項目 日期
公告簡章 2025年 7月15日
線上報名 第1批2025年 7月15日~ 9月30日 第2批2025年10月01日~11月30日
審查 第1批2025年10月09日~10月16日 第2批2025年12月01日~12月10日
申請結果 第1批2025年10月23日前 第2批2025年12月20日前
錄取生回覆是否就讀截止日 第1批2025年10月24日~11月02日 第2批2025年12月21日~12月31日
寄發錄取通知書 第1批2025年11月12日前 第2批2026年01月10日前
學期開始 2026年 2月中旬

  1. 入學申請表: 請在線上填寫申請表格,無需支付申請費用。
  2. 護照影本: 請提供護照的影本。
  3. 學歷證明文件: 請提供以下文件,經由我國駐外使館處驗證,或由原修業學校提供。如果原文 件為中、英文以外的語言,請附上中文或英文的翻譯版本。
    • 大學部申請者:高中畢業證書和歷年成績單。
    • 碩士班申請者:大學畢業證書和歷年成績單。
    • 博士班申請者:碩士畢業證書和歷年成績單。
    • 轉學生:前一攻讀學校的修業證明和歷年成績單。

    註 1:如本校對於申請文件認定有疑義,可能要求提供經駐外使館處驗證的證明文件。

    註 2:申請時可以先掃描文件上傳,但需在註冊時提交台灣駐外使館或代表處驗證的畢業證書、成績單、語言檢定正本(如 TOEFL 及多益分數由 ETS 提供、雅思由官方考試中心提供,華語測驗由華語測驗中心提供),以完成註冊。如果發現申請文件涉及偽造、變造、假借、冒用、不實情況,未入學者將被取消錄取資格,已入學者將被開除學籍,並可能面臨法律責任。

  4. 讀書或留學計畫書: 請提供中文或英文版本的讀書或留學計畫書。
  5. 兩封推薦信: 請完成線上申請時提交兩封推薦信。
  6. 履歷表: 如果您有工作經驗,請提供履歷表。
  7. 其他相關能力證明文件: 提供任何其他相關能力或成就的證明文件。
  8. 國籍及居留證明文件: 如果您在申請時持有外國國籍,但曾經或目前持有中華民國國籍,並已連續居留海外超過六年,請提供相關證明文件。
  9. 國籍變更證明文件: 如果您在申請時持有外國國籍,但曾經持有中華民國國籍,並且已在臺灣設有戶籍,請提供擁有失去中華民國國籍滿八年的證明文件,並由內政部許可。
  10. 財力證明文件: 提供經駐外使館處驗證或由金融機構提供的足夠在臺就學的財力證明文件。如果文件是由台灣機關發出,則無需驗證。不論您是否獲得政府獎學金,請您提供由銀行出示超過美金 4,000 元或新臺幣 120,000 元的財力證明文件,否則在申請入臺簽證時可能無法順利取得。倘若財力證明非申請者帳戶,需敘明資助者與申請者兩者之關係。
  11. 馬來西亞學生申請學士課程: 請提供 SPM、STPM 或統一考試(UEC)成績單。
  12. 健康檢查證明書: 請提供最近三個月內醫院出具的健康檢查證明書,包括人類免疫缺乏病毒(HIV)。
Application Documents
  1. The application form should be completed online, and there are no application fees.
  2. A copy of your passport is required.
  3. Photocopies of your highest degree and transcripts for all years are needed. If the original transcripts are in a language other than Chinese or English, you must provide an additional notarized copy translated into either Chinese or English by a Taiwan Overseas Mission. Depending on your degree level, you should provide the following documents:
    • For Bachelor's program: High school diploma and transcripts for every semester.
    • For Master's program: Undergraduate diploma and transcripts for every semester.
    • For Ph.D. Program: Master's diploma and transcripts for every semester.
    • For Transfer Students: Original diploma and transcripts for every semester from the previous university.

    Note 1:If STUST has doubts about the authenticity of the diploma or transcript for your highest degree or its equivalent after you submit it, we may request you to re-submit the authenticated documents through the Taiwan Embassy.

    Note 2:When applying, you can initially scan and upload the documents. However, upon registration at STUST, you must submit the diploma and transcripts authenticated by a Taiwan Embassy or overseas mission. Language proficiency certificates should be issued by the following institutions: TOEFL and TOEIC scores from ETS, IELTS scores from an official testing center, and TOCFL certificates from the Ministry of Education, Taiwan. If the submitted documents are found to be forged, altered, fraudulent, or untrue, accepted students who haven't registered yet will be disqualified, and enrolled students will be expelled from the university and may face legal consequences.

  4. A study plan or statement of purpose in English or Chinese.
  5. Two recommendation letters (please complete online).
  6. Resume (if applicants have work experience).
  7. Any other relevant certificates or awards.
  8. If you hold foreign nationality at the time of application and have had nationality in the Republic of China, you must submit documents for continuous residence overseas. (At the time of application, you must have been staying overseas for more than six years).
  9. If you hold foreign nationality at the time of application, previously held citizenship in the Republic of China, and have a registered residence in Taiwan, you must submit proof of the loss of Republic of China citizenship for more than eight years, along with the confirmation certificate from the Ministry of the Interior.
  10. Provide financial proof sufficient for studying in Taiwan, verified by an overseas embassy or issued by a financial institution. If the document is issued by a Taiwanese agency, verification is not required. Whether or not you receive a government scholarship, please provide a financial statement from a bank showing an amount exceeding USD 4,000 or TWD 120,000. Otherwise, you may face difficulties in obtaining a visa to enter Taiwan. If the financial proof is not from the applicant's account, the relationship between the sponsor and the applicant must be specified.
  11. Malaysian students applying for bachelor's programs should submit SPM, STPM, or UEC transcripts.
  12. A health certificate issued by a hospital within the last 3 months, including the test report for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This should be done after receiving the Acceptance Letter from STUST.

南臺科技大學外國學生申請入學及轉學所需文件與資訊:語言檢定、財力證明、學雜費和學校獎助學金LINK (TW) LINK (EN)
Required Documents and Information for Foreign Student Admission and Transfer at Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology: Language Proficiency Test, Financial Proof, Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees, and School Scholarships.

114 學年度『國際專修部』招生簡章
Application Timetable 2025 PDF
秋季班 Fall semester
工作項目 日期
公告簡章 2025年01月10日
線上報名 2025年01月15日~05月15日



錄取公告 2025年07月31日前
學期開始 2025年09月中旬

春季班 Spring semester
工作項目 日期
公告簡章 2025年07月15日
線上報名 2025年07月15日~11月15日



錄取公告 2025年12月30日前
學期開始 2026年02月中旬

Application Documents
  1. Admission Application Form (to be completed online).
  2. A copy of applicant’s passport.
  3. Photocopies of the high school diplomat and transcripts for all years are required. Shall theoriginal transcripts in a language other than Chinese or English, an additional notarized copybeing translated into either Chinese or English by a Taiwan Overseas Mission must provide.
  4. A study plan or statement of purpose in English or Chinese.
  5. Provide sufficient financial proof verified by the embassy or consulate office abroad or issuedby financial institutions to demonstrate the ability to finance your studies in Taiwan. If thedocuments are issued by the Taiwanese government agency or institution, they are exempt fromverification. Please provide a financial proof of US$ 4,000 or NTD 120,000, or the minimumfinancial proof amount stipulated by the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office or embassy inyour country.
  6. Provide a health certificate issued by a hospital within the last 3 months. The preparation ofhealth certificate should be done after receiving the Acceptance Letter from STUST.
  7. Application Fee: No application fee is required.
  8. Note 1:If submitted transcripts and proof of highest academic qualifications are from a foreigninstitution, and the university has some concerns regarding the authenticity of theseapplication documents, the admission committee may request additional documents thathave been authenticated by the Taiwan Representative Office or consulate abroad.

    Note 2: Applicants, when is applying, must scan and upload required documents. Upon registrationat STUST, applicants must submit diploma and transcripts authenticated by one of Taiwanembassies or overseas missions. If any submitted documents are found to be forged, altered,fraudulent, or false, accepted students who have not yet registered will be disqualified, andenrolled students will be expelled from the university and may face legal consequences.


114 學年度『重點產業系所』招生簡章 PDF

We look forward to receiving your application!

More information, please contact

or or

OIA (International Program)

Mr. Darby Liao

IFP (International Foundation Program)

Ms. Kim Chang

Learn how to apply to STUST online

Before you begin your application, make sure you meet the admission requirements and have all the necessary documents ready.